The surroundings

Villa de Tazones (Asturies)

Les Piedriquines is located in La Talaya, which, as the place name indicates, it is a high plains and green space at the edge of the sea meadows. This area belongs to the parish of Tazones, which is parochial head village of the same name, well-known fishing village in Asturias both for its cultural and architectural peculiarities, and its historical significance.

In terms of architecture, highlights the perfect preservation of the structure of the fishing village, with corridor houses literally hanging of narrow streets and always looking to the sea. The port, which still holds considerable activity, is full of different restaurants along the main street.

In the historical aspect the village is known for being the place where the Emperor Charles I landed in 1517 from Flanders. That time is recreated in the village every month of August in a festival considered of Regional Tourist Interest.

Besides London, the house is just half an hour from Gijon and fifteen minutes from Villaviciosa, so you have an ideal situation to know Asturias.